Thursday, 22 November 2018

Final word count for AO1 should be 2000-3000wrds.
Deadline: Thursday 6th December.

  • Read back through your personal investigation. 
  • The practitioners that you have chosen will suggest a theme that is reflected in your practical work. 
  • Come up with a good two-part title. The first part should grab attention. The title will be answered or explored in your writing.
  • Write until you have concluded your investigation. 
  • Make sure that you have evaluated the approaches of artists, compared and contrasted, asked suitable questions and searched for relevant answers, and present your own, considered points of view
  • A. B and C grade students will revise their essay. Going back in and editing, taking bits out that are irrelevant and tightening it up. 
  • Give it to a friend or relative. Ask them to feedback- does it make sense? Does it explore? Is there a clear introduction and a satisfying conclusion?
  • Correct spelling and punctuation.
  • Include a bibliography.

Stundet Assessment Objective Checklist.

The exam board issue students with an Assessment Objective Checklist. Here's their version. I have made a simplified version HERE.
We can use the separate elements from the assessment objective to shine a light on where you need to focus your efforts. It can also help to put your mind at rest, to show you that there is a finite amount of work.
We are going to go through your work and add colour coded post-it labels for each of the assessment objective elements. 
Pink for AO1. Blue for AO2. Orange for AO3.
Make sure you write the AO and the number element on the post-it.
Please note, you could have all of these elements and still gain a low grade. Quality of work is still needed. 

Monday, 15 October 2018

Personal Investigation Extended Writing 750-1500 words

Deadline: Monday 29th October

Read back through your personal investigation. Link another designer to continue where you left off. Use the Contextual Investigation and Looking at Artefacts sheets.
Within this section, please ensure that you are comparing and contrasting the two designers. Use this sheet to help.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Investigating your Form

Choose your ‘form’ - book cover, poster etc List of artefacts HERE

1 Write an outline of what you plan to make

2 Explore the form and evidence your research using the ‘Contextual Investigation - Form’ sheet.

Deadline start of the lesson: Weds 19th

Monday, 30 April 2018

12 Graphic Communication Mock Exam - 9 May

There is an all-day, year 12 Graphics Mock exam on the 9th of May. You will be required to produce a further 'visual response' to the practitioner you have chosen for your written element. It is advisable that you practice the process you are to use prior to the exam.

When planning a response, it is necessary for you to really understand the intentions and ideas that the practitioner was attempting to communicate. This will then inform your response in a more fulfilling way. You should be able to talk about the ideas and meanings in your work, rather than superficially copying the style of the work. 

You have from today to plan your work in readiness for the exam in 10 days. Thumbnail and Draft your ideas and come to the exam with all of the materials, processes and plans worked out in advance. 

Books will be collected in on Monday the 14th for assessment, Please ensure that all previous feedback has been addressed and self-monitoring comments are clearly written on the feedback sheet.

You will hand in:

  • Planning for mock (relevant drafting, photography, plans, written notes)
  • Final visual response
  • 500+ Written investigation (on Google doc.)
The assessment rubric is HERE

Friday, 27 April 2018

Extended Writing for Personal Investigation

What is the extended writing element of the Personal Investigation?
The Comp 1 Personal Investigation must include a ‘written element’ taking the ‘form of 1000-3000 words of extended response’. This Ofqual requirement effectively means that continuous prose must be submitted in addition to any short tracts of written annotation in sketchbooks or other formats.

I have created a help sheet that is linked at the top right of the blog. It's called 'Extended Writing'. Print it off and stick it in the back of your sketchbook for future reference.

Over the next few weeks, we will begin the process of researching and writing. Luckily, you don't have to complete all of the sections in one go. It is better if you write in short bursts of well-written prose and allow that to inform your work.

Let's focus on A01 first.

Task 1
Read through the help sheet thoroughly and ask questions of any parts that don't make sense.

Task 2
Create a Google Doc, name it 'Your name_Written Element_Personal Investigation' and share it with

Task 3
Choose an artefact that is relevant to your investigation. Look at the Artists Linked By Theme sheet.
Work through points 1-7 on the Contextual Investigation sheet.
Include images within the document to illustrate your writing.
When you come to draw or work in the same style, complete this on separate paper and keep safe.

Deadline Start of lesson, Friday 11th of May

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Exploring your theme / Exciting sketchbook

To draw, invent, draw, experiment, draw, enjoy and draw
To attempt new ways of exploring, recording your ideas and starting points
To liven up a drab sketchbook
To build up AO2 Creative Making and AO3 Reflective Recording

Cover the next few pages in your sketchbook with drawings of your theme. You shoukd just look at your chosen brainstorm and draw all the elements of that. Be inventive as well as skilful. Use the visual research that you have already gathered.
Look at the slides above for ideas.
To get the best results, you will possibly make some drawing that you don't like... push on a fill you page, paint on them, collage and work on top... there is only one rule... don't give up and rip ages out. Just keep going

You will be graded on
Your pages should be brimming with interesting drawings, marks, mediums and ideas.


Thursday, 22 March 2018

Practitioners that have worked with the same theme

Attempt to broaden your understanding of other approaches.


Find practitioners that have worked with the same theme.
Examples to look at: art, music, film, pop culture, fashion, advertising… 
Find at least 10. Approx 7 artists/illustrators and 3 from other forms.

Artists listed by Theme or Subject links are HERE. I didn't make the list, it's one I pinched from the web... so it might be awful. But it can be used to start you off. I would much rather if you fond you own. Search the Tate of MOMA.
Choose one and comment on: Personal response, Method, Approach, Intention and Context. 
Use this helpsheet that includes an example to structure your response.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Investigating using Photography

Investigate using Photography
Using your camera, go out and take pictures related to your theme. Don’t hold back! Variety and a creative/inventive/playful mind will produce the best results.
Remember, you have no idea what your final will be yet. That's 25 weeks away.

30+ images. These can be presented in lesson time.

Deadline - bring to the start of lesson Monday 20th March.


Brainstorm 3 themes. Don't stop any ideas... let them flow!
You will choose one. 
This is the start of your gorgeous sketchbook. Make a good impression! 
Consider covering the inside page of your book.
Deadline - the start of lesson Friday 16th March.

What is expected?
To get a good result in this task, you should have lots and lot of free-flowing ideas. Your presentation could be interesting by including a variety of font size, drawings, exploring type. 
What can I do if I get a lower mark than I expected?
Low marks are usually a result of a lack of ideas and poor presentation. Work into your page and make it look like a barrage of unstopable ideas. 

Monday, 12 March 2018

Starting Component 1 - Themes

Component one is 60% of your A Level. 
You are to investigate a theme over the next 25 weeks and produce a sketchbook, final piece(s) and a 3000 word written assignment that is linked to your chosen focus.
Along the way, you will demonstrate critical understanding, creative making, reflective recording and a personal presentation.
To kick off Component one, choose 3 themes to brainstorm from the list. After you have brainstormed and considered your findings, choose one that you will stick with.
If you have a theme that you wish to add to the list, feel free to pass it on. 

Download the themes list is HERE
Indicative Content for the whole component is HERE
Student Checklist is HERE

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Illustrator / Photoshop Illustrations

The deadline for completion and presentation of the current project is the start of the lesson, Monday 12th fo March.

In the time between now and then, you will need to factor in the - possible - addition of texture (paint and grit) in Photoshop and then the inclusion of text. Both tasks will probably need an hour. 

Please ensure that you have the following:
  • Drafting for your illustration
  • Final A4 pencil draft
  • Illustrator / Photoshop work in progress
  • Final Design 
  • All work annotated and commented on. (don't just describe the process, ensure that you are commenting on the design choices you made) Design choices = quality of shape, colour choice, the arrangement of elements etc

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Ai Pen Tool

To master the second most important drawing tool to the graphic designer — 
the Pen Tool. (the most important drawing tool is HERE)
To introduce working in Adobe Illustrator.
To introduce the Pathfinder Tools in Illustrator.

Watch both the tutorials below.
Complete Template Tutorial no. one HERE and no. 2 is HERE using Adobe Illustrator. 
Download them both and save them in your network folder.
When they have downloaded—right click and open with Adobe Illustrator

Post screen shots and final examples.

Checklist for assessment
Clean lines, few points as possible, smiling faces.

Time needed
40 mins.



If you wish to take a closer look at the Illustrator docs (Converse and Decals) that I talk about in the tutorial, download them HERE and HERE

Pen Tool and Pathfinder

Pen tool exercises are HERE
Pathfinder help HERE
Bezier Game HERE

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop - Keith Negley

Gigi posters  

Responding to the style, feel and process of Keith Negley

Create a response to Keith Negley

To improve your mixed media and digital skills
To provide a new, creative method of making ideas.
To further develop your ideas in relation to your band/artiste.

1 Draw out some elements of Negley's work. Get the feel of how he stretches 

   and deforms limbs and simplifies objects. Cover two pages with a visual  
   investigation and annotations. 
2 Choose a scene/feeling/imagery from your 'developing a concept' research..
3 Work on 2 pages of ideas as to how you will illustrate the scene.
3 Draft out a final A4 drawing with the same detail as Negley.

   Scan into Illustrator and away you go!
   Please ensure that you take screenshots as you go...

Help Resources
Download my Negley Illustrator File

Download my Negley Photoshop Doc

Expected time

5 hrs


Here is a video of the process needed in both Illustrator and Photoshop. 

Friday, 19 January 2018

List of tasks 19/1/18

Sketchbook hand in: end of lesson on Monday 22nd Jan

Gig posters
Inky overlay
Developing a concept - Creatively presenting ALL of your findings.
(lyrics, moodboard x 2, words, juxtapositions, visual investigation, scamps) 
Simple analysis - Describing the personality of poster designs
Contextual investigation - to include at least 3 of the responses from THIS sheet
Reading tasks: HERE Up to and including 'Eclectic experiments'.

Final design / work in progress / evaluation
Drafting final designs
Photoshoot/contact sheet
Masthead Typography
Magazine copy
Photoshoot/contact sheet for copy
Contextual investigation 

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Inky overlay process - Aspect To Aspect

To create a set of illustrations that utilise the design process for making screen prints.
To allow for chance to make an appearance in your work.
To work on multiple images in one go with the goal of increasing your success rate.
To introduce you to the idea of 'aspect to aspect' composition.

1. Choose 9 things from your research so far. Look at your 'Developing A Concept' work. This could include any iconography or imagery.

2. Gather images of these. Take your own, or use the web. Put them into an A3 page using Photoshop - see my example below

3. Divide your A3 page up into 9 portrait or 8 landscape panels 

4. Using the lightbox, A3 layout paper and black Indian ink, felt tips, crayon, collage etc,  ink/draw your panels. This is the bit where you need to concentrate as this is important.  You are going to be inking this set of images 3 times. Each of these 'ink passes' needs to be approached in a different way. N.B. Those students that are confident with drawing, do some that are not on the lightbox—'eyeball' them.
Where it's darkest, ensure that this part is inked on all 3 sheets. Lightest parts only get one inking or 'pass'. Geddit?

Photograph each of the 3 'inked' sheets, your A3 reference sheet, screenshot your w.i.p. (use close ups).
Post a Jpeg of your favourite outcomes.

Checklist for assessment
Lots of interesting textures used.
Consideration given to tones. Dark tone = 3 passes, Light tone = 1 pass
Exploration of colour.
Good drawing


Example below.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Developing a concept

Developing a Concept  Design For Music

The following small tasks should be attempted in the order set out below. They are designed to allow you to generate evocative concepts and move away from merely literal ideas.
This is definitely a chance for you to be creative and playful and wistful and fascinating!

1 Choose which band/singer.

2 Describe or draw the most literal, obvious designs you can think of. (get it out of your system!)

3 Gather chunks of lyrics and annotate them, don't worry about whole songs (by annotating you should pick out interesting words and imagery, notice themes, define ideas, interpret concepts)

4 Create a band/singer mood board (look on their website, album covers, posters interviews)

5 Audience mood board typical audience member - what do they wear? What do they like? What do they say? What do they own? What do they remember from their childhood? Mine your audience for everything!

6 Similar artefacts - if you haven’t already… gather loads of posters that you like and could maybe influence you. Why do you like them?

7 Write 30 interesting words that relate to your band/singer.

8 Record 20 compelling words that relate to your audience.

9 Interesting juxtapositions are going to create enigma and provoke interest. Write 10 words that describe the music… then join some of the words together with words from above.

Extra idea!
(Use 20 words in two columns on an A4 sheet. 10 down each side. Then cut them up and replace them together to find interesting unexpected juxtapositions.)

10 “The music makes me / the audience feel like ………”  Write 3 of these and go into detail. (for best results - use loads of imagery)

11 Collect plenty of resources (pictures, text etc) based upon all of the above and gather them physically and print others off.

12 Look at the stuff that you have collected so far. Select 3 fragments even if they are just glimmers of ideas.

13 Develop the 3 ideas into drafts. Use the scamping design ideas below to get you started