Monday, 30 April 2018

12 Graphic Communication Mock Exam - 9 May

There is an all-day, year 12 Graphics Mock exam on the 9th of May. You will be required to produce a further 'visual response' to the practitioner you have chosen for your written element. It is advisable that you practice the process you are to use prior to the exam.

When planning a response, it is necessary for you to really understand the intentions and ideas that the practitioner was attempting to communicate. This will then inform your response in a more fulfilling way. You should be able to talk about the ideas and meanings in your work, rather than superficially copying the style of the work. 

You have from today to plan your work in readiness for the exam in 10 days. Thumbnail and Draft your ideas and come to the exam with all of the materials, processes and plans worked out in advance. 

Books will be collected in on Monday the 14th for assessment, Please ensure that all previous feedback has been addressed and self-monitoring comments are clearly written on the feedback sheet.

You will hand in:

  • Planning for mock (relevant drafting, photography, plans, written notes)
  • Final visual response
  • 500+ Written investigation (on Google doc.)
The assessment rubric is HERE

Friday, 27 April 2018

Extended Writing for Personal Investigation

What is the extended writing element of the Personal Investigation?
The Comp 1 Personal Investigation must include a ‘written element’ taking the ‘form of 1000-3000 words of extended response’. This Ofqual requirement effectively means that continuous prose must be submitted in addition to any short tracts of written annotation in sketchbooks or other formats.

I have created a help sheet that is linked at the top right of the blog. It's called 'Extended Writing'. Print it off and stick it in the back of your sketchbook for future reference.

Over the next few weeks, we will begin the process of researching and writing. Luckily, you don't have to complete all of the sections in one go. It is better if you write in short bursts of well-written prose and allow that to inform your work.

Let's focus on A01 first.

Task 1
Read through the help sheet thoroughly and ask questions of any parts that don't make sense.

Task 2
Create a Google Doc, name it 'Your name_Written Element_Personal Investigation' and share it with

Task 3
Choose an artefact that is relevant to your investigation. Look at the Artists Linked By Theme sheet.
Work through points 1-7 on the Contextual Investigation sheet.
Include images within the document to illustrate your writing.
When you come to draw or work in the same style, complete this on separate paper and keep safe.

Deadline Start of lesson, Friday 11th of May

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Exploring your theme / Exciting sketchbook

To draw, invent, draw, experiment, draw, enjoy and draw
To attempt new ways of exploring, recording your ideas and starting points
To liven up a drab sketchbook
To build up AO2 Creative Making and AO3 Reflective Recording

Cover the next few pages in your sketchbook with drawings of your theme. You shoukd just look at your chosen brainstorm and draw all the elements of that. Be inventive as well as skilful. Use the visual research that you have already gathered.
Look at the slides above for ideas.
To get the best results, you will possibly make some drawing that you don't like... push on a fill you page, paint on them, collage and work on top... there is only one rule... don't give up and rip ages out. Just keep going

You will be graded on
Your pages should be brimming with interesting drawings, marks, mediums and ideas.
