Friday, 15 February 2019

Mid Term Deadline

Hand in books for mid-term assessment.  Tuesday 5th of March
  • Brainstorm
  • Gather related imagery
  • Drawings of subject matter
  • Investigating using Photography
  • Collect artworks, illustrations, artefacts, related to your theme.
  • Write an outline of what you plan to investigate or make.
  • Explore the form. (books covers, album covers etc)
  • Artists research / visual response)
  • Exploring and experimenting with different media
  • Further Investigation with photography or drawing
If you are independent and wish to 'swap out' a task as there is a more relevant one for you, feel free... just alert me about it.

Any questions?

Friday, 1 February 2019

Exploring using drawing

Exploring your starting point using drawing (or any other form of making).

Deadline: Monday 11th Jan

Fill pages with drawings relating to your brainstorm.
Thos that struggle with drawing, FEEL FREE TO USE A LIGHTBOX.
Use a variety of different media. Look at the presentation above for inspiration.

Title: 'Exploring using drawing.'
Annotation should include 1. Your intention. 2. Any observations about the images that spring to mind and 3. An evaluation of the task.

Helpful links:   

Gather Related Imagery

Using your brainstorm as a reference, you should now gather together related imagery. This can be anything related to your theme. Be clever, obvious, playful and creative with your choices
Include your own drawingm marks, decoration.. 
Create a clear title.

Remember! The more you can introduce your own drawing and creative making into your pages, the better result you will obtain!

Don't forget to annotate as you go along. What is your intention and what have you achieved at the end of the exercise. What interesting observations have you made along the way?

Deadline: Mon 11th of Feb


Over a page or two of your sketchbook or presentation, brainstorm the starting point that you have chosen. Be creative with your ideas and DON"T refuse anything that you think of. 
Feel free to consider 'forms at this point if you like.
Fill up your pages and annotate. What are you attempting to do and what are the outcomes.

Deadline: Tuesday 5th of Feb

Exam Start! Component 2.

Your Graphics exam will take place all day on Wed 10, Thurs 11 and Friday 12th April. That's 15 hours. 
Your exam sketchbook preparation starts today, Friday the 1st of Feb. That's 8 weeks of college with a half term in the middle.
This is Comp 2 and the final 40% of your grade.
After the exam, there will be 2 college weeks of 'snagging' time for you to tidy up comp 1 and 2. 
And then you leave!.

Spend 1/2 an hour to choose a starting point that provides some interest. 
Then get started!